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Incorporating Titchfield Village Hall

Titchfield Village Trust (TVT) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No: 1184545)
The objects of the CIO are:
(1) For the public benefit in the area comprising the village of Titchfield and its immediate surroundings area.
(a) The promotion of high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the village.
(b) The education of the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of the area.
(c) To assist towards the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historical or public interest in the village
(2) The provision and maintenance of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of Titchfield including for:
(a) meetings, lectures and classes, and
(b) other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants.
If you want to support the Trust by purchasing tickets for the Fareham Lottery then click on the logo above
Click HERE for the latest Tree Planting video (2024)
Click here to view a Video of the tree planting in Barry's Meadow (2023)
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The Community Centre
Ballroom Dance Class Mr James Taplin 01489 584502
Bowling Club Mr Dennis Dowsett 01329 662545
Bridge Club Jill Mogridge 01329 849826
Card Making Ms Amanda Fowler 01329 846909
Cotton On Sewing Workshops Sheryl Collier 07794 065633
Donna Crotchet
FAREGOS - Home Education Mrs Julie Barker 07748 498841
Fareham Bee Keepers Association Mr John Hoar 01329 315665
Fareham Flower Club Val Hockley
07961 181605
Flexercise Lindsey
07715 435863
French Conversation Mr Peter Davis 01489 808422
Friendship & Memory Cafe Home Instead
01329 282469
History Society Mr Peter Mills 01329 317912
Jigsaw Preschool Sue Millar
07711 776899
Karate (BOKB) Mr Chris Bird 07792 666932
Kung Fu & Kick-Boxing Mr Omar El-Kilany 07575 991855
Ladies Badminton Jacquie Needham 01329 661000
Lindy Hop/Sugarpush Tea Dance Simone Graham
079442 55574
NCT Bumps and Babes Michelle Du Preez-Dwyer 08442 436130
Oaklands Contact TCA office 01329 842933 OASIS Youth Club Mr Peter Mills 01329 317912
Perform Ms Sam Love 08454 004000
Poetry Patrick Caines
01329 608413
REDS Dancing School Laura Whittenham 07851 567229
Slimming World (Tuesday) Lorraine Botham 07751 807409
Slimming World (Saturday) Colette Matthews
07727 872528
Scouts inc Beavers and Cubs Tracey Williams 07855 715503
Solent Stitchers Ms Sandi Jones 01329 847930
The Arts Society (Solent) Nicki Zaki 01329 842634 Tai-Chi Mr Andrew Austin 07824 330950
Tea Pot Crafters Ms Daphne Philpot 01329 286999
Tea Dances/Come Dancing Mrs Pauline Steel 01329 234562
Titchfield Abbey W.I. Jenny Windebank 01329 842807
Titchfield Auctions Mrs Isobel Farmer 07720 023950
Titchfield Gardeners Club Steve Nash
01329 843413
Titchfield Lunch Club Mr Kenneth Moore 01329 315615
Vicar Vacant
Curate Revd Janet Trevithick
01329 847003
Church Office Open: Mon-Thurs 9 - 12
01329 847003 e-mail: office@stpetertitchfield.org.uk Website www.stpetertitchfield.org.uk
Reader Dave Foster
01329 847003
Churchwardens: Ms Barbara Le Sueur 07453 808200
Mr Peter Gordon
c/o The Church Office
P.C.C.Secretary Helen Andrews
c/o The Church Office, Fareham, PO15 5QQ Treasurer Martin Reid
01329 847003
c/o Church Office
Stewardship Recorder Mr Iain Windebank 01329 847003 Organist Mr Keith Miller, 01489 579160 c/o Church Office
Capt. of the Tower (Bells) Mr Lyndon Hatfield 01329 849921
5 Garstons Road, Titchfield PO144EJ
Friends of St Peter’s Pat Shirley 01329 846646
Website www.friends-of-st-peters.org
Primary School Reception 01329 843322
Village Hall Titchfield Village Trust
For Bookings call Lesley Blackburn (Between 9-6 Mon - Fri) 07486 891728
For single events, Lesley tprbookings@virginmedia.com
For multiple events/ regular users, Suzy
Earl of S’ton Trust Mrs Tracey Kenney, 07458 304031
Village Trust Mr Nick Girdler 01329 847930 Community Centre Mrs Mary-Kate Smith (Manager ) 01329 842933
Jubilee Surgery Reception 01329 844220
Bonfire Boys Message Line 07768 283725
Editorial Team Karen Postle, Margaret Thompson, Karen Rizzi
E-Mail : magazine@stpetertitchfield.org.uk
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Sarah Pankhurst Sarah.Pankhurst@hants.gov.uk
01329 287365 27 Heath Lawns Catisfield PO15 5QB Ms Tiffany Harper 01329 844074 20 Hampton Grove Catisfield PO15 5NL