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Incorporating Titchfield Village Hall

Titchfield Village Trust (TVT) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No: 1184545)
The objects of the CIO are:
(1) For the public benefit in the area comprising the village of Titchfield and its immediate surroundings area.
(a) The promotion of high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the village.
(b) The education of the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of the area.
(c) To assist towards the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historical or public interest in the village
(2) The provision and maintenance of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of Titchfield including for:
(a) meetings, lectures and classes, and
(b) other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants.
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Click HERE for the latest Tree Planting video (2024)
Click here to view a Video of the tree planting in Barry's Meadow (2023)
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Our idea was to plant a copse in Barry's Meadow
in partnership with the Earl of Southampton Trust
Below is a list of those who provided funds to help achieve this objective.
Our grateful thanks to all of them.
We are now ready to take contributions. Can we ask, that you pay the amount you wish to donate to the Village Trust account :
Acc Name: Titchfield Village Trust
Sort Code 30-96-26
Acc Number: 80429368
We have set up thisTree Donations page on which we will add the names of those who have helped to create the wood if they request it,
Once you donate the money could you at the same time E Mail us at : TitchfieldVillageTrust@outlook.com
With the names you would like us to add.
If it’s to remember someone we will use the term Your name ‘for’ Their name i.e. Nick Girdler for Garry Girdler
Chris and Lesley Blackburn.
Robert and Elisabeth Blake
Jim and Angela Bartlett for John and Christine Bartlett
Johnny and Sarah Billson
Ron Chance & Vivienne Mitchell.
E Everetts the Chemist for H.J. Everett
Nick Girdler
Julian and Marilyn Gibbs
Andrew Gaisford for Jean Elmer Gaisford
Teasels Greene for Harriett Greene (Nee Hyde)
Hampshire County Council
Lyndon & Dianne Hatfield for Gladys Bird
Cllr Connie Hockley/Cllr Tiffany Harper
Jane Horner for Gwen Horner (Nee Draper)
Sandi Jones for Bud and Jo
Courtney and Sue Kenny. "With grateful thanks to the Key Workers for their hard work during the Covid Pandemic “
Peter and Julia Mills
The Ord Family
Julia Robinson for Libby
Joyce Smith (in the name of David Smith)
Titchfield Abbey W.I.
Peter Thomas
Titchfield Gardeners' Club
Titchfield W.I. In Celebration on 100 + years of Titchfield Women’s Institute
V Village Allotment Society Titchfield
Gordon and Janet Woods
Sally and Mike Wilson