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Incorporating Titchfield Village Hall

Titchfield Village Trust (TVT) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No: 1184545)
The objects of the CIO are:
(1) For the public benefit in the area comprising the village of Titchfield and its immediate surroundings area.
(a) The promotion of high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the village.
(b) The education of the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of the area.
(c) To assist towards the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historical or public interest in the village
(2) The provision and maintenance of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of Titchfield including for:
(a) meetings, lectures and classes, and
(b) other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants.
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It is almost a year now since the Village Trust took over the running of the Parish Room. During that time we have achieved much, but there is still more to do, both in the pipeline and yet to be commenced. Perhaps it would be simplest to itemise what we have and are doing.
Set up 3 committees to oversee the Room
An admin group to look after the day to day running, health and safety protocols, and booking out of the room
A fundraising group to obtain monies for repairs and upgrades
A building group to take charge of major development and repair works
Negotiate a new Lease with the Diocese of Portsmouth.
This has taken some time to put in place but is now in the process of being signed (not easy in these days of Covid 19 restrictions) Once in place the Trust will hold the Lease for 64 years.
3 Carry out a professional survey for essential building works.
This resulted in a quote of some £96,000 to replace roof tiles, address the problems of drainage in the south side of the building and examine an area of interior flooring which appeared to be sinking. In the event the flooring was examined and repaired by ourselves at little cost thus reducing the quote by some £2,000.
4 Close and then re-open the Room as a result of the Covid 19 Restrictions
The global pandemic we are currently experiencing resulted in the room being closed from March until August. During that period we have introduced systems, rules and alterations to the building in order to comply with all the new regulations that have and are continually being introduced to contain the virus and make the room as safe as it can be for all users.The re-tiling of the roof and outside drainage work were prioritised by the building committee as their first project. This resulted in the professional survey and an advice application to Fareham Planners regarding the roof. This application was made because the committee also felt that solar panels should be installed on the south side of the building. A photoshop if this were to be carried out is shown below.

The panels could be fitted flush with the tiles if the work was carried out at the same time thus reducing the visual impact.
Our initial advice application was refused, but after discussion and a vote at the last general meeting we have decided to pursue the idea with a full application siting Fareham’s own wish to become carbon neutral by 2030, and the worlds continued concern over global warming.
We continue to fight the application from Foreman Homes, along with many individuals within the village, for the site off Posbrook Lane. As things stand the Fareham Planning Committee rejected the application but due to delays caused by Covid 19 were ‘out of time’ and Foreman pushed the decision onto the planning inspectorate. As yet no decision has been made or indeed date set for when that might be. All objections already submitted will be forwarded to the inspectorate.

Work on the bypass, Titchfield Road and the gyratory is now well advanced. The following may be of help for those of you who wonder how it’s all going to end :
A new 3.5km (2.3 miles) long road to the south of Fareham and to the north and east of Stubbington through an area of predominantly arable farmland. The road will be a 7.3m wide single carriageway road with a 2.5m wide shared footway/cycleway and verges. The the bypass would take approximately three years to construct. The total corridor width will be approximately 20m to 25m, and the road has a design speed of 50mph.:
1) The A27/B3334 Titchfield Gyratory will be redesigned to provide a new right turn, signalised junction from the A27 eastbound into the B3334 Titchfield Road. This right-hand turn lane will head south through the centre of the existing gyratory. Two lanes are to be provided for southbound traffic and a third lane for turning movements back towards the A27, Titchfield Hill.
2) The B3334 Titchfield Road is to be widened to provide two lanes in each direction with a new southbound carriageway constructed to the east of the existing road. Construction of the new southbound carriageway would require cutting into the higher ground to the east of Titchfield, with appropriate remedial measures necessary to mitigate the visual impact of the new cutting.
This four-lane section of the road will continue to the signalised junction with Bridge Street, which is also to be improved with crossing facilities being included in the junction upgrade. South of the junction with Bridge Street the lanes merge down to single carriageway.
3) A new traffic signal-controlled junction will be constructed opposite the nursery glasshouses on Titchfield Road. The junction will include a new T junction for Titchfield Road traffic with the alignment of the new bypass diverging from Titchfield Road at this point heading east. 4) The bypass continues east as a 7.3m wide single carriageway

The loss of income from Parish Room hiring’s have hit our accounts somewhat, but at the same time our outgoings also reduced (Cleaning, utilities etc)
Currently we have c.£16,500 deposited in the Parish Room Account.
A new account to hold grants obtained for the projected building work on the Parish Room has c. £16,000 on deposit.
This consists of monies donated by groups and individuals within the village along with a £10,000 government grant we applied for and £5,000 from the Earl of Southampton Trust. Another £5,000 has been promised by them dependent upon us receiving match funding from either HCC or FBC.
Several money raising ideas have been discussed by the fundraising committee and once other pieces of the jigsaw are in place (new lease, Covid restrictions lifted etc) we feel confident the Village will pull together to help us achieve our objective of keeping the Parish Room at the heart of our community for at least the next 50 years.
The TVT account currently has c £6,500 in it.
It’s good to have a healthy surplus considering we also need to maintain a reserve to help see us through unexpected and difficult times. They don’t come more unexpected and difficult than the times we are currently going through !

We will once again be giving grants to both the Oasis Youth Club this year, (£200) even though they are currently unable to meet due to Covid, and £200 to cover the insurance costs for the Christmas Tree on the Green.
If you know of anyone within the village who would like to apply for one of the Trusts small grant awards, please ask them to get in touch.
You may already be aware that the annual Remembrance Sunday ceremony outside the Parish Room has had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions. This from Neil Blewett who organises the occasion:
Following my meeting at the St Peter's we have agreed that we will run an invited Service within the Church, this will control the numbers. I will send out a plan of how it will run, we will be inviting the wreath layers only from each organisation. Following the Service I will arrange for all the wreaths to be moved to the Memorial Cross and firmly attached as carried out in the past. This unfortunately means no congregation, but probably as the village was expecting. I hope everyone will understand and that we do not upset anyone. Therefore, we will not require the Parish Rooms this year and the road will not be closed; permission was rejected on that by the council, as anticipated.
As things stand we hope to be able to hold our AGM as scheduled in March…. but then again !!!.
For those of you who like to plan ahead here are all the dates for next year :
A.G.M. Tuesday 2nd March 7.30 Parish Room
General Meeting Tuesday 6th July 7.30 Parish Room
General Meeting Tuesday 2nd November 7.30 Parish Room
You may recall Chris Turner joining us to take on responsibility for the website.Digby, our treasurer, pointed out that running 2 sites, ours and The Parish Room,wasn’t necessary. Chris undertook to merge the 2 sites while at the same time keeping the Parish Room booking system. After some complex playing with 3 different systems he’s managed to achieve a great and much cheaper set of on line information portals. Well worth a look if you haven’t caught up yet. It also allows us to keep everyone up to date with what’s happening with a new look front page. https://www.titchfieldvillagetrust.com/ is the site address.

Thanks for being there without you the Trust would not exist.
We rely on our members for all kinds of things and now we have taken on greater responsibilities more than ever we need new members to come and join us.
Please, whenever you can, mention us to friends, colleagues and newcomers to the village.
As thing advance on the Parish Room front we will need all the help we can get.
New blood is the future and that’s what we should all be looking forward to.
Parish Magazine Update from our Chairman-July 2020
Going to the gym and spending time mooching around shops may have stopped, along with activities at the Parish Room but unfortunately, no one seems to have told the roof on the Room that any further deterioration is going against the rules of lockdown.
A recent professional survey confirmed what we already thought, the tiles are well beyond their life span, but then so would you be after 130 years. So, what next?
Well, let's get you up to date.
Negotiations regarding the new 64-year lease are now well advanced with the completion of our Parish Room management plan. Much thanks to Digby Hands and others who have helped create this document, which we will be using in all our fundraising activities. We forwarded this to the Diocese of Portsmouth 2 months ago, God not only works in mysterious ways but in slow motion as well!
A professional survey of the roof and works on drainage have given us a target of some £94,000 to raise. We are now in the process of applying to 4 bodies for grants to help fund this work. 2 statutory bodies and 2 charities. We already have some £15,000 in our project 2070 fund.
We are also applying for planning permission to complete this work and at the same time add solar panels to the southside of the roof. This came after a unanimous advisory vote taken at our last general meeting agreed to add this to the roof. Putting the panels in at the same time as retiling means the they can be flush fitting with the tiles thus lessening the visual impact. We do believe these panels are essential considering the ‘climate crisis’. In order to comply with the planning application, we must complete a Heritage Statement. Once we have sent the application, we will be asking for your help in supporting it.
So, can you help in other ways?
Well, one of the schemes the fundraising committee has come up with is aimed at individual donors be they people or organisations.
We are still working on final details but £25 will get you a tile, £100 a bronze mention on our role of honour, £250 a silver mention, £500 a gold, and £1,000 a diamond.
Please form an orderly queue and let the Trust know how to collect your donation.
Because we know the Parish Room is at the heart of the village, we would like to encourage all Titchfield organisations to help keep it so by helping to raise funds in whatever way they can for the project.
Please contact the Trust to let us know how you can help us.
We have set up 3 committees to oversee the 2070 project, a day to day admin group, a building group who will look after project management once work begins and a fundraising group working on ideas to raise finance.
This is a long-term project and the roof and drainage works are just the start of what will be a wholesale upgrade for the room making it fit for the next 50 years at least, the reason we are calling it the 2070 project.
If you think you may be able to help in anyway please contact the Trust.